Most of our reporting on how to succeed in the job hunt has focused on resume writing and interview skills/practices. However, as many of you online students are all too aware, there is a lot of job hunting that goes on over the Internet. Wouldn’t ya know it, there are etiquette mistakes to be made in the online job hunt just as sure as there are in the real world.
Here’s a link to a great article about how to avoid common online job hunting gaffes, SNAFUs and faux pas.
In a world that is now driven by the Internet, the tendency to focus entirely on that medium for finding employment is tempting and a common mistake. The truth of the matter is many companies in this tough economy are overwhelmed with the large number of applicants submitted via their websites.
In many cases, large companies no longer post all of their job openings online but rather wait for the most motivated and diverse individuals to hit the beaten path to their doors. This is even more prevalent in the higher level positions. So if you are truly a go-getter, hit the road, don’t rely entirely on the internet but become the one perceived as most driven by showing-up with resume and pen in-hand at your favorite fortune 1000 company.
My blog contains articles and tips for job seekers and employers. You reference it by clicking on my home page at: http://www.jobservicehelp.com, then click the link titled: “Job Service Blog.”
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In many cases, large companies no longer post all of their job openings online but rather wait for the most motivated and diverse individuals to hit the beaten path to their doors. This is even more prevalent in the higher level positions. So if you are truly a go-getter, hit the road, don’t rely entirely on the internet but become the one perceived as most driven by showing-up with resume and pen in-hand at your favorite fortune 1000 company.
I’ve just finished reading the article “Five Mistakes Online Job Hunters Make” and it’s nice to see that I am not the only one out there that thinks people put too much personal information on the web. I can’t figure out why people think it is okay to tell the entire world the personal business. Pictures of people “partying” and making obscene gestures is one way to stay unemployed or not be able to move up within their companies. People, stop and think before you post ANYTHING on the web. The world is watching.
I agree with you Barbara, Once you type it, or post it, it is there foreverrrrrrrr.
I have to agree about going out and hunting for a job in person. I am graduating this week from Allen School Online and have been thinking about this very thing, that I need to get out and personally had out my resumes and applications. I know that there are some places that you can only do online, but those that I can do in person I will.
Very interesting article, and it makes sense. I don’t think many people realize that when they post certain blogs or pictures, they aren’t thinking of the long term effects that could have. I think if you wouldn’t do or say whatever it is you’re posting in “real life”, it probably shouldn’t be online.
But in the same sense. Don’t you think that some things should be private? I mean, I guess a potential employer has just as much right to check out your profile.But in some way it seems like it kind of discrimatory not to hire someone because of something they have posted on Facebook. I wouldn’t want an employer to judge me on what I do in my personal life.
I guess just to be responsible for how you project yourself where ever and when ever, is the best rule of thumb
I think that the point about people losing there manners is so true. People think that because they are applying online or even talking with employers online, that they dont have to use the same manners they have to use when face to face, that is simply not true. First impressions happen when online as well. Maybe even more, with these media sites. It is so easy for a potential employer to go to facebook, type in your name and find some information you dont want them knowing and more importantly changing there feelings about hiring you. be careful with what you are letting the world see about you.
I agree with going out and looking for a job. The internet is great but, there is something different about handing my Resume to someone face to face. I feel they will remember a face before remembering your Resume online. I feel that if my Resume is handed to someone then I will have a better chance.