Students of medical billing and coding, certified nursing assistant training and the medical office assistant program at Allen School’s ground campuses all have one thing in common: they are all located in and around the New York City area. As New Yorkers, we stand in solemn memory of all those whose lives were cruelly extinguished on this day eleven years ago. To all the first responders, firemen and women, police men and women and medical professionals who served with valor on that fateful day, and especially to those whose lives were sacrificed in the rescue of others, we offer our most grateful salute. Let us never forget the bravery and selflessness of these folks during one of our nation’s darkest hours and spend the day today in thought and prayer for those who lost loved ones to this despicable act of cowardice and violence. For those of you studying to be nursing assistants, medical office assistants or any member of the medical industry workforce, take a page from these brave heroes and apply it to all your future dealings with patients over the duration of your careers. We at the Allen School Blog will never forget the heroes of 9/11!