Seems like a day doesn’t go by where I wake up an fail to see a story on the front page of some news outlet hawking the good news about jobs in the medical billing and coding field. Today, of course, was no exception. Upon logging on this morning, I saw
the story linked here entitled, “Six Careers That Are Built to Last” penned by Christine Trang. I will give our regular readers here at the Allen School Online Blog one guess as to which career field was sitting atop this list? If you guessed “medical and health services manager” give yourself a cookie, or whatever your favorite reward is for being so smart. Yes indeedy, it comes as no surprise that people studying medical billing and coding or medical office assistance are positioned well to enter a field that just continues to grow and that is exceptionally stable in an economic environment that is anything but. So keep up the studies y’all. You’re on the right track and it is validated each day in the media.