Hacks for Studying Medical Billing Online Classes (From the Beach!)

OK, so if you’re like me, you like to play hooky every once in a while.  And although technology has made many elements of modern life easier, it is something of a double-edged sword.  Take, for instance, the extent to which wireless devices and ubiquitous WiFi have made it less possible to truly disconnect.  Hooky used to be about leaving the classroom behind.  But with today’s technology, hooky now involves at least faking the appearance of being where you’re supposed to be.  You’re really at the beach, but you bring your tablet and log in so that it seems like you’re at home, dutifully working or studying medical billing online classes – just, from the beach instead of your bedroom. With this in mind, assuming that most of you will likely play hooky at least one day this Summer season, we’re providing you with the following list of innovative beach hacks to make your beach experience more enjoyable (courtesy of Yahoo! Makers).
  • Place Your Touch Screen Cell Phone in a Ziplock Bag
  • Attach Your Keys to a Cork, So They Float
  • Keep Money in an Empty Chapstick, Magic Marker (or even a diaper) for Safe Keeping
  • Lie on a Fitted Sheet to Keep Out Sand
  • Sneak Beer on the Beach by Hiding It in a Soda Cup
View the details on these hacks and others including tips for flip flop maintenance, beach towel comfort and utility improvements, and others at the Yahoo! Makers slideshow here.  Then, enjoy your beach day and get back to your medical billing online classes tomorrow (only, with a better tan!). Looking to start a career in medical billing? Find all the courses you need at the Allen School of Health Sciences – we have three campuses in Queens, Brooklyn, and Phoenix. Contact us below to learn more about the program!   Article updated July 2024



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