Online students of the Allen School use their computers for a lot more than the average person. And although your course work may not be something of value to would be thieves, it is safe to say that you probably also do your banking online and other financial management activities. This is why it is so important to have strong passwords in place on your more sensitive accounts like credit card accounts, mortgage accounts, medical records and other information you’d not want in the hands of some scammer. Unfortunately, since we all have so many passwords to remember these days, it can seem like a shortcut to make your passwords easy to remember. Passwords like “12345” or “password” are so easily hacked, its a wonder that you haven’t yet been the victim of identity theft if you use these easy-peasies. So today is Change Your Password Day and the good geeks over at LifeHacker have put together a good bunch of information on this topic.
Read it here and then set about solidifying your defenses against the hordes of scammers just looking for an easy way into your personal information online.