Medical Billing Job Interview – One Thing to Always Bring

Medical Billing Job Interview: Bring Copies of your Resume
Yes, you should always bring your best manners, your sense of professionalism, and even a series of thoughtful questions to ask the hiring manager to any interview for a medical billing job. However, according to career guru, Amanda Augustine, there’s one physical item you should never forget to bring with you.  Whether it is for a medical billing job, a nurse assistant position, or a medical office assistant gig, Ms. Augustine strongly suggests you bring numerous hard copies of your résumé. Augustine, told Business Insider, “Yes, we’d like to think that every hiring manager or interviewer would walk into the interview room with your résumé in hand, but there are no guarantees,”.  As interview protocol varies widely from organization to organization, you just never know who you’ll be asked to speak or meet with while on-site for your interview.  At some companies, you’ll only speak to the hiring manager.  At others, you may be asked to interview with departmental heads, physicians, human resources representatives, prospective co-workers, or other stakeholders.  Some companies hold group interviews where you’ll be one of a number of candidates brought in at the same day and time.   This is why you want to make sure you have enough printed copies of your résumé with you that you can put directly into the hands of all the people who will be evaluating your candidacy. You’ll want to hand a nicely printed hard copy to each of the people you’re interviewing before you begin.  Augustine explains that providing the stakeholders with your profile on paper helps reinforce what you’re there to tell them in person about your capabilities, experiences, and suitability for the job.  She told Business Insider, “You have to be prepared to walk people through your work history and tie your experience and education back to the role at hand, calling attention to the qualifications the employer is looking for. When you’ve done this prep work and you know your résumé front and back, you’ll also be able to confidently speak to the value you bring to the table. “ So before you walk out the door to your next interview for a medical billing job, be sure you’ve printed several copies of your CV and make the best impression – both in person and on paper – you can.  Being an Allen School grad can’t hurt your prospects either! Contact us to get started today.

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