As we reported
here a few days ago, the holiday season is not necessarily a time when hiring slackens. In fact, it is often one of the more active times of years for those seeking work. So this is why you shouldn’t be at all surprised if you get a phone call from a harried hiring manager who has maybe called a few other candidates for interviews but been turned down because those candidates are busy with holiday preparations. They may ask, “Can you come in tomorrow?” Don’t panic! You can be prepared for this scenario if you prepared according to the following suggestions culled from
this article by life coach, Amanda Abella.
Whether the open position is for a medical office assistant, a certified nursing assistant or medical billing and coding specialist, here are 5 steps you can take to be ready to answer the last minute job interview call.
1) Always Have Your Resume Ready
2) Have a Spare Outfit Ready to Go
3) Know What You Applied For (and With Whom)
4) Research, Research, Research
5) Get Your Dates Straight
You can read more detailed explanations of each step at the link provided earlier.