We continue to be un-surprised by report after report confirming what
Allen School Online students already know – that jobs serving the healthcare fields are never in short supply. This is probably one of the main determinants that factored into your decision to pursue an
Allen School Online diploma. True to form, the latest report, courtesy of
Time.com confirms that indeed, healthcare industry jobs top the list of safest, most recession-proof jobs.
I have prior experience in the healthcare field. I chose to further my education through the Allen school so that I would have leverage over other applicants. The healthcare field is always growing and requiring new staff. It is important for other Allen school students to keep there education current and up to date in order to keep up with the wave of students graduating programs such as this.
I’ve been searching for work to do anything in the health care field for the last 3 months and sent out at least 100 resumes. I’ve only received 2 responses that stated the job was filled. I’m really not seeing this welcome that articles are saying would happens after I spent thousands of dollars to take health care courses. In Medical Coding/Billing, all of the jobs want a minimum of 3 years of experience and won’t even respond. Since I have several years in accounting, I was hoping that at least I’d get an opportunity for Medical Billing, but no response from those jobs either. It seems that the Health Care Industry is reporting that they’re recession proof and open to employment but there is no evidence of it in Connecticut.
Admittedly, the job search process can be discouraging at times. The path to gainful employment can be riddled with rejection or worse – silence. The waiting…it can be agonizing!!
With so many ‘resources’, what are you supposed to do? What way DO you turn? Who is right and who is wrong?
Choosing a career, and subsequently a school, should be a decision that you come to after much thought and consideration.
Many articles have been written on the current economic state, as well as the apparent ‘recession-proof’ status of the medical industry.
It is difficult to take a general information source and apply it to a specific employment market, but for the most part it is true. There is a projected growth forecast in this industry, while other fields are experiencing a decrease in growth and jobs.
Where you live has a lot to do with the job search and the tactics you can use. While the internet and job boards are a good resource, often they can really only give you a ‘pulse’ for what is going on in your market. The ‘sending out 100 resumes and not hearing anything’ is unfortunately common in most markets. There could be a number of variables affecting your own individual search results. A common suggestion given to graduates when their jobs search tactics are not working is to add something new. Continue to look at and apply to job posting online, but plan to make an office visit to drop off your information and ask for details about the job posting you already applied to online.
There are a number of things you can try – this is just one suggestion. The post above opens up a lot of questions, and I would invite Lucy and ALL of our graduates seeking assistance to discuss their situations with our Career Services Dept. The Online Career Services is a dynamic group that, between them, has over 100 years of combined experience putting people to and helping people locate work.
Thanks for your comment Lucy. Its always useful to the entire community when users share their experiences here.
I am very excited to be finishing my coarse with Allen School in Medical Billing & Coding. When I started this program, I was looking for a career change with a future, and now I believe that the possibilities are unlimited. There are so many opportunities in the medical field and I hope that very soon to be involved some way in this field. Upon graduation, I could apply in various jobs that are in need of medical billers or coders since this is a field that is wide-open so to speak. I believe that the EHR (Electronic Health Record) will be a part of every office enviroment in the near future which will be beneficial and safer than the old paper method used. The Medisoft training that I have had in this class has been great and the learning experience has been beneficial as well. This is preparing me to go out into the real world and get that job I want with the training and education behind me. Allen School graduates have an advantage over the industry in the electronic training for the future and the knowledge that has been obtained will benefit them and a possible employer.
I could not agree with this post more! The health care industry is defiantly something I am glad I have become involved in. I am currently an MIBC student, and the outlook for future jobs is ever expanding. To know that every person at sometime will need medical care will keep me employed for years to come.
I agree with this article. This is one of the reasons I chose billing and coding because it is considered one of the fastest growing careers in healthcare and is considered recession proof. The opportunities for advancement are numerous once you have a few years of experience. A Certified Medical Biller and Coder might decide to work from home full-time or to earn extra income while maintaining a full time job. Most employers prefer the coder be certified.
This report hit home for me. I’ve been laid off 3 times in the last 2.5 years and decided it was time to look at a career change. I’ve always thought about the medical field but was just never able to pursue a career / education in this field because of raising a family and working fulltime. Now that my children are all grown I looked around to see what I could take to make the career switch and decided on medical billing and coding. Unfortunately people are always going to need health care and with the baby boomers getting older there is a real demand. I think that the field I’ve chosen was wise because I can use it so many ways. I can work at a hospital, doctor’s office or someday from home. I can get into a hospital or practice that offers continuing education and do just that by taking other courses and grow my education and opportunities. I’m so excited to get started with my new career.
Good news about our promising MIBC Program.
I have to agree with Stephanie, I also have previous medical experience and I am a Certified Medical Assistant. I have found since I moved to Georgia that there are a million schools around here that offer Medical Assisting so I needed something to give me leverage over the “new” graduates. The one thing that I have found from speaking to some of the students for some of the schools locally is that the school is not accredited so they can’t even sit for the certification exam. I was excited when I started doing my research on medical billing and coding schools and came across the Allen School and that once complete I will be able to sit for the exam because they are accredited. I am very happy with the education that I have gotten from the Allen School and know that once I finish and start my job search it should make me more employable.
This was a very interesting and true article. I come from investment banking and have been out of work for over a year now. I decided to enroll in the MIBC online program because I have many friends who are or have been in the healthcare field for many years and told me, “this is where it’s at”. In reading other articles I have learned that the healthcare industry pretty much is the only industry that is always in demand and provides job security. I have been through, reorganizations, lay-offs, etc and am simply at a point where I am tired of not knowing if I have a job or not. I still have mixed feelings and wonder if I’ll ever end up back in investment banking because it’s all I know or if I should just jump right in and give healthcare a try. I have learned quite a lot in the MIBC program and this is my last week of classes. I’m happy it’s almost over but I’m nervous and hope to find a good job in a medical practice or hospital. Wish me luck! : )
There are a lot of job openings for medical billing and coding in Iowa. However, they require hands on experience OR they pay about 9.00 per hour. The MIBC program is a good one, but be prepared to start at the bottom and work your way up. For me this is tough to do given that the program cost thousands of dollars that I now need to repay.
I am just finishing up my courses at Allen School Online. I have chosen this career path due to the recession. I do believe that a medical career is the way to go in during these times. I also think that some states will be better than others.
Even though I have been seeing that they are requiring 1-3 years experience. I believe that as we move closer and closer to the dead line of becoming electronic, I think that there will be more demand for Billing and Coding to make that happen while keeping up day to day operations.. I am in hopes that even though I am a new graduate (this month), that I can land a job if I preserver and never give up. I know that it will happen for me.
Theresa, agree with you. Allen School Online has given us the tools that we need to go out into the real world and land that job, and have the career that we have studied, worked and sacrificed so much for. It will pay off and we will be rewarded for all of our hard work in have a satisfying career.
Thank you Allen School Online for giving me the opportunity to better my self and my new career!
I have no prior experience in the medical field, but I do have marketable skills. I don’t know if the medical field is recession proof, but I do know there are jobs out there. I posted my general resume on two medical job search sites and I have received notification of jobs every week. I haven’t completed my Allen School training, but I know I will have the skills needed to apply to a billing and coding position. I will have to get over the hurdle of no experience but I think it is possible. In today’s market it is important to keep looking and as mentioned above, change your approach if it’s not working.
I am a new graduate as well and I am anxious to work in the field that I have studied. Unfortunately, while I saw many openings before I started this course, the job market in my area seems to have dried up.
I am currently employed, so I am not in immediate need to find a job, but I am afraid that if I don’t use the knowledge I have gained soon, it will do me no good.
However, I am inclined to believe this report; in the long run, health care is the field to be in. With the health care reform and the implementation of the EHR there should be many job openings in the near future.
I believe that I received excellent training through the Allen School and I am prepared for starting an exciting career.
I’m just about to graduate from Allen school and I can’t wait. (Either can my family) Being laid off from two different carrers in the past 10 years has been very difficult for my family and I. I chose to be a certified medical biller/coder because it was something I had very little knowledege about and I wanted to learn something new and exciting. Seeing that the average salary range is about $30K on up depending on how many certificates you have is less than I made with my other careers but the fact that this field is so called “recession proof” makes me confident to know that I’ll be able to find work that is stable. Hopefully with the implement of the EHR there should be plenty of open positions available. It has been a great experience being at the Allen School and I hope a job will be in my near future.
I am in my last week of Allen Online School of Medical Billing and Coding. I am trying to maintain a positive outlook at the job prospect. I would be nice if some of those that have succeeded would post some encouraging words to the rest of us. I know the medical field (especiall Billing/Coding) is wide open and going to be more so in the future. But its difficult when you don’t know the connections or where to turn. I know I can do the job – my past work history proves I can concur most anything – I just want a chance to demonstrate that fact. I fail to understand why so many potential employers don’t even bother to get back to you when you do work hard at sending in a resume??
Donna Atchley-Lindsey
Just a couple more days and I’m finished with my online course for Medical Billing and Coding with the Allen School Online, very exciting moment for me. I’ve started a lot of things so far in my life and havent seen them through, but I’ve managed to obtain my GED and finish this course. Just knowing how much the medical field is blooming helped me to make a decision in taking my career down that path. I started the medical billing and coding course knowing nothing about the field except that I see types of doctors and my insurance takes care of the fees, now I have a more indepth concept of how behind the scenes of a billing office functions and how the billing staff are able to put all the codes and fees together. I hoping to at least get an internship to give me some hands on training before I start the real deal into Medical Billing and Coding.