If you’re an online student of medical billing and coding living outside the Northeastern United States, then you’re probably feeling lucky right about now. For the rest of you taking medical office assistant training, certified nursing assistant courses or any other course of study at the Allen School campuses in the NY Metro area, you’re probably feeling less lucky. That’s because ICYMI, a huge, hurricane-strength storm coming from the south is predicted to merge with a significant winter storm arriving from the west, to produce what forecasters say may be a storm of epic proportions. They are saying damages could cost upwards of a billion dollars and leave the Atlantic coastal states without power for many days. High winds, heavy rains, even snow are being called for. If there’s one thing CNAs and medical office assistants learn, it is to be prepared. With this in mind, your humble blog master takes this opportunity to remind you to be prepared for what could be a truly devastating storm. If we’re lucky, it will turn more northerly and we’ll only get some wind and rain. But better to be prepared for the worst case scenario. Here are some links to pages containing useful information on how to prepare yourself and your household.
This one is from the National Weather Service.
Here’s another one from FEMA. Batten down the hatches. Frankenstorm cometh!