Hey there Allen School Online students of
medical billing and coding. I have some information of particular value to you. In fact, it is probably useful for those in our CNA training program and medical office assistant training programs as well since, these days, everyone has internet, phone and TV in their home. But particularly for online billing and coding students who, by definition, must maintain internet and phone service in order to study by remote.
Jeff Blyskal, senior editor at Consumer Reports magazine recently penned an article called, “Cut Your Telecom Bill”. In a great synopsis of the piece done by the (no longer allowed to work by remote) people at Yahoo!, the four main strategies for saving on telecom services are spelled out. Below are the four strategies, but
click through here to read the details on each of them.
#1 – Find out How Many Providers are Actually in Your Area
#2 – Combine Your Digital Services with Just One Company
#3 – Don’t Settle: Negotiate the Price You Want
#4 – Drop Unwanted Services and Premium Channels
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