Single parents: Starting a new career

Tired of working long, stressful shifts at retail establishments or fast food restaurants? Enroll in medical assistant program at the Allen School of Health Sciences so that you can pursue a stable career helping others. Medical assistant programs often take less than one year, and you can begin applying at healthcare facilities as soon as you graduate. Here are a few reasons why many single moms benefit from becoming a medical assistant.
Daycare-Friendly Hours
It can be difficult to find a babysitter if you don’t work a traditional 8-to-5 schedule, especially if your employer requires open availability 7 days a week. You may even get stuck working on holidays and special occasions. A schedule that varies drastically also makes it difficult to establish a bedtime routine or get older kids to school. You can resolve these issues by becoming a medical assistant. Some hospitals and healthcare offices require medical assistants to work evenings or weekends, but many medical assistants have the option to only work on weekdays.
Stable Career Outlook
You may have heard friends with degrees or certifications in other fields complain that they can’t find a job. That’s generally not an issue for medical assistants, as doctors, hospitals, and retirement homes often hire this type of healthcare worker. Medical assisting is a stable, in-demand career. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, medical assistant employment is expected to increase 23% by 2024, much faster than the 7% average across all occupations. Medical assistant employment growth follows the general growth of the healthcare industry and the increasing need for support workers at healthcare facilities. By 2024, the BLS projects that 730,200 medical assistants will be employed in the US, compared to the 591,300 medical assistants counted in 2014. Such an increase in demand can provide workers with increased career stability and the knowledge that, no matter where they are in the country, medical assistants will be needed.
Quick Program Completion
It’s difficult to balance work, school, and parenting when you’re a single mom. Luckily, you can finish medical assistant classes quickly and start your new career across all occupations. The Allen School of Health Sciences offer an accelerated medical assistant programs that last less than one year.
Opportunities for growth: As you continue your career as a medical assistant, you may choose to attain additional certifications that will help you grow in your career. You may even decide to specialize or pursue other healthcare careers. With your unique access, you’ll have an inside view to what it’s like to perform a wide variety of medical jobs. You may decide to dedicate yourself to becoming the best medical assistant you can be or you may decide to get additional training and move on to other roles in the healthcare industry.
If you’ve ever considered a career in medical assisting, the medical assistant program at could train you with the skills you’ll need. Check out all our health care programs. Are you currently working toward finishing school? Are you thinking about a new career? If so, contact the Allen School today! We are enrolling now for our fall classes and cannot wait for you to become part of the Allen School family. Visit to learn more.