Whether you’re seeking a new job in the field of medical office assistant, certified nursing assistant (CNA) or any career in any industry, the Holiday season is a remarkably
good time to be looking for a job. This may seem a bit counter-intuitive as many expect hiring to slow down this time of year as hiring managers, HR people and business in general (excepting retail) is interrupted by holiday vacations and other distractions. Yet, the opposite is actually the truth. Many hiring managers report that the volume of applicants slows dramatically during this time of year as applicants are otherwise occupied with holiday activities. Moreover, many applicants “take these few weeks off” wrongly assuming that hiring slows or stops too in December. That means that right now and for the coming weeks, the odds of landing a job as a medical office assistant or certified nursing assistant are at their best for the year. (Of course with an Allen School CNA certificate or medical office assistant certificate, your odds are already better at finding a good job.) But you don’t have to take my word for it. Listen to what they say on this topic at notable outlets such as:
US News and World Report