New laptop malfunctioning? Cell phone service wrongly interrupted? Utility company make a mistake on your monthly bill? You’ll have to dial a toll-free customer service number and then navigate through level after level of recorded messages trying to find the answer to your problem. And after an hour on the phone, you’ll be no closer to a solution and about ready to kill someone. Sound familiar? We all have had to deal with customer service issues like this. Well, awesome site,
Lifehacker.com recently published
this great piece on how to get better customer service when you should need to. Included in the article is a link to an application called “Lucy” that does the “holding” for you so you don’t have to glue the phone to your ear while the company you’re calling is “experiencing unusually high call volumes resulting in long hold times”. That’s a godsend to be sure. And if that’s not enough, and the tips in this article
still don’t get you satisfaction, the article provides a link to the Consumerist.com’s list of customer service executives from the world’s top companies so you can call a supervisor direct to lodge your complaint about the sorry state of their customer service department.