Armless Pianist Wins “China’s Got Talent”

A few months back, I posted an inspirational bit about Liu Wei, the Chinese double amputee who was an accomplished piano player.  In the video I posted, Wei shared his conviction and personal thoughts on living within the constraints life saddles us with and still finding ways to persevere.  Perhaps not surprisingly, this tale of heroic courage and determination prompted many comments from you, our readers.  Also not surprisingly, this inspirational man achieved what he set out to accomplish and was recently named the winner on this season’s, China’s Got Talent TV program.  Below is video of his win.  Enjoy!

Mmmmmmm…. Mechanically Separated Meat

I publish stories here from time to time about different food products, recipes and dietary information because I think as professionals enterring the healthcare field, it behooves you to be aware of such things.  Also, it never fails to amaze me how poorly the general public pays attention to such issues.  In this installment of “Ewwww, Gross! Are You Gonna Eat That?” I link you to the story behind some of our society’s favorite foods and the sickening process used to manufacture them.  I am talking about hot dogs, baloney and chicken nuggets.  Click here to see some appalling pics of the output of a process known as “mechanically separated meat”, a moniker that I myself have laughed about seeing on food packaging in the past.  Let me also say by way of disclaimer, that I am overweight and enjoy (in sparing quantities) hot dogs, some processed meats and chicken nuggets.  However, I do try to keep them from being regular diet items.  For me, its good, fresh, locally produced foods – just in too much quantity – that are the problem.  Anyhow, these images and the article they adorn may finally dissuade me from any meats not locally procured.

7 Ways Your Resume Dates You

You updated your business wardrobe and hairstyle. Don’t neglect your resume!

As some of our student readers are enterring this career field mid-life, leaving other fields behind, the article linked below offers some excellent advice.  No one has to tell folks in this transitional space that the nature of the job market has been radically changed.  Between the rapid evolution of technology and the economic upheaval of the last few years, many of the rules of the jobs game have been re-written.  This is why today’s winning resumé does not share so much in common with the resumés we all may have used not so long ago. “7 Ways Your Resumé Dates You” offers great tips on how to make sure your Curriculum Vitae is ready for action in the current environment.

Medical Support Jobs Up 20%

Ready for some positive job news?  Especially for people studying what you’re studying?  Popular online jobs portal compiles an employment index.  They report that in the last 13 months, job postings in the medical support fields are up 20%.  That’s right!  Now, the overall employment outlook remains difficult so don’t go out on a spree just yet.  But it is looking better for medical support fields than many other fields right now and that’s cause for celebration.  From the article:
Fast Fact: A quick search of Monster shows 557 job postings for medical assistants. The Department of Labor sees a 34 percent jump in medical assisting opportunities from 2008-2018.”

Surprising Strength in Job Markets

Career professionals (that’s people who work in staffing and human resources) are reporting that the recovery in the job market is happening faster than people think.  According to recent reports from the NBER (National Bureau of Economic Research) the technical data shows that recession ended last June.  “So where are the jobs?” cry out the 10%+ who are still struggling to find full time employment.  Read this article by noted jobs expert, John Challenger for some surprising answers.

Constitution Day

we-the-peopleToday, September 17th is Constitution Day. This holiday, sometimes referred to as Citizenship Day recognizes the ratification of the United States Constitution and those who have become U.S. citizens. It is observed on September 17, the day the U.S. Constitutional Convention signed the Constitution in 1787. This year, although historic health care legislation has recently been passed, many of the worst abuses of the insurance industry are still in effect as providers plan a double digit rate increase.  So even though major provisions of the newly passed bill won’t take effect until 2014, there is still a moral imperative to make sure all Americans have access to basic healthcare.  I have heard many opponents of universal healthcare ask, “Where in the Constitution does it say that we’re entitled to universal healthcare?”. Follow me over the fold for the answer to this, and other questions about the amazing document at the core of our Democracy. Continue reading…

As a Medical Office Professional, Stay Mindful

I have written several posts on incorporating the eastern spiritual teaching of “mindfulness” into healthier patterns of living, eating and interpersonal relationships.  Today, I found a very interesting article by author and health coach, Riva Greenberg entitled, “10 Tips For Mindfulness: The Healing Power Doctors Forget”.  The piece talks about the lack of mindfulness the author seems to find increasingly common in doctors’ offices.  As many of you will ultimately be working in these offices, I thought it was very pertinent to your education.  Read the article to learn how you can infuse your work in the healthcare field with the benefits of mindful thought.

Know Your Enemy

Yes, it is war again.  My yearly battle with seasonal allergies has erupted again into violence.  Violent sneezing, gruesome coughing and a river of tears and clear liquid pouring from my eyes and nose.  I am sure many of you readers are fighting the same battle I am these days.  For some it is worse in the Spring.  For me it’s worst in the Fall.  Well, like any good warrior will tell you, “knowing your enemy” is of critical importance to winning the war.  And although knowing what these pollens actually look like (when viewed through and electron microscope) will not provide you any critical advantage, it will at least make you feel better about nuking these scary looking irritants with Claritin, Benadryl or whatever your favorite weapon of allergic destruction may be.  Grab a hanky and have a look at this interesting pollen slide show from the Telegraph UK.

States With the Lowest Unemployment

The Business Insider released an article this week listing the top ten states with the lowest unemployment rates.  The lucky top 10 are: 1) North Dakota 2) South Dakota 3) Nebraska 4) New Hampshire 5) Vermont 6) Hawaii 7) Kansas 8) Wyoming 9) Minnesota 10) Iowa The article included information on the particular industries in each of these states that contributed to its position among the states with the lowest unemployment.  And although medical industry was not featured as a key driver of employment in any of these states, there’s no getting around the fact that wherever there are people, there will always be demand for medical services.  So if you’re setting out, new certificate in hand, looking for a new place to start your life and career, think about some of these places where the good employment outlook surely means the local economies are vibrant.

Friday Funnies – Quitting a Job Made Easy

By now, the whole country has seen the story of the disgruntled Jet Blue flight attendant who literally pulled the cord and ejected himself from his job after a particularly stressful day.  I am sure he will be seeking a new job shortly.  If you’re about to graduate and ready to leave your crummy job behind to begin your new career in medical billing and coding, you might want to purchase this useful item – the Slipquit – when it’s time to tell your current boss, “sayonara”.