More than 15 Grams and It’s Dessert!
With the legislature considering taxing so-called “unhealthy” food or beverage items as a way to raise revenues while encouraging better diet amongst Americans, each of us should spend some time focusing a little bit on how we eat and what we eat. As I have written here before, I think it is a mistake to single out individual food items (pizza and soda were recently singled out in one of these new tax proposals) as “unhealthy”. For one thing, portion sizes are a larger problem than the nature of what we eat. If you eat one or two slices of pizza at meal time, you’re not packing on the pounds. Eating 5 slices each time you eat pizza is much more likely to make you gain weight. Today, I read an article that blew up my conception of what is healthy to eat and what is not. Often, things we tend to think of as “healthy” foods are worse for us than things we think of as “no-nos”. Follow me past the jump for the shocking details. Continue reading…