Getting your certification is a wonderful thing, but now it is time to turn your attention and efforts to finding a new position with your newly minted qualifications. With the economy in turmoil and the effects of this volatility on the labor market, the rules of job hunting are changing day to day. What may have been conventional wisdom about how to write a resume, how to handle interviews or how to negotiate compensation is potentially no longer relevant. In many cases, what used to be a strategy for success has become a recipe for failure.
The best way to know what is working (and what is not) in real time is to read the shared experiences of other job seekers who are also currently out there dealing with resumes, human resources, hiring managers, etc. The best job hunting blogs have shared experiences posted daily and that fresh input can be of immense value to the job hunter. I recommend
Jobhuntingblogs.org which is a wonderful compilation of the best job hunting blogs out there.
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guerrillajobhunting Get a fresh look at what is working for others and you can get ahead in the hunt! Also, share your experiences in the comments below to help fellow Allen School Online students in their search.