I know not all of our readers are located as I am in the Northeast. However, if the news reports have been even partly accurate, this Winter season has been one of the more brutal ones in recent memory. Snow totals in the Northeast have been on the high side of the spectrum and my relatives in Southern California have been getting more rain there than they see in five years combined.
So it is with great anticipation that I await the 14th of March. This coming Sunday, March 14th, at midnight, we all set our clocks one hour ahead. While we lose one hour of sleep in the transaction, we gain one more glorious hour of evening sunlight to use outside, after close of business hours. That’s one more hour to spend walking,
studying, reading or washing the car. Of course, it is still probably too cold in many parts of the country to spend much of this extra daylight time out of doors. But rejoice! For the last day of Winter is not far behind this Sunday’s “Spring Ahead”. The Vernal Equinox happens on March 21. This marks the first day of Spring and not a moment too soon.
I dreamed last night that we were taking to cover off the swimming pool. Can you tell I am ready for swimming and barbecues? How about you?