Having your new certification and a brain full of knowledge is great, but as we all know, landing a job often comes down to making a good first impression at the interview. Part of making that good first impression is obviously the way you speak and interact with the interviewer and how you convey your qualifications. Yet, even more subtle but no less important is the visual first impression you make. How you’re dressed and how you take care of your appearance is a powerful, unspoken indicator of how you will be as an employee. To this point, it is critical that you wear appropriate clothes and that these clothes are nicely pressed and creased in the proper places. This brings me to the point. I don’t know about you, but I cannot afford to spend $12 per outfit to the dry cleaner for pressed shirts and pants. Furthermore, I am challenged when it comes to ironing these items myself. That was until I found
this great post on Lifehacker.com explaining the finer points on DIY clothes pressing. Read up on how to bone up your appearance and show up at the interview crispy, smart and ready to impress.