WATCH: Absolutely Amazing Video

As students and people engaged in utilizing cutting edge technologies to learn about rapidly advancing medical science, you will all likely be as astounded by this five minute video presentation.  The perspective it provides on education and employment in the near term is mind-blowing.  The presentation ends with a question:  “What does it all mean?”  Leave your impressions on what it all means in the comments.

Obama Awarded Nobel Peace Prize

nobel-prizeIn an unforseeable turn of events, President Barack Obama was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace this morning.  Not as surprising, folks on the left were proud and folks on the right were incensed.  Jump to read my take and then leave your own comments behind to share with the rest of us. Continue reading…

Why Job Training Is Essential

unemployment_officeIt may surprise you to learn that even as layoffs mount and unemployment has passed the 10% mark, there are employers who are having a hard time filling positions that pay $50,000 to $60,000 plus benefits!  How is this possible?  Join me after the jump to find out. Continue reading…

Yet Another Reason to Love Online Education

kitties2It keeps your pooch or pootie from freaking out at “back to school” time.   According to Betsy Saul, founder of (link below the fold), back to school time frequently means empty houses once students return to classes and parents return to focus on work.   Man’s best friend can often feel left in the lurch and anxious.  Details over the fold. Continue reading… Great Resource

factchecklogoWith passions running so high in the healthcare debate, and with so many powerful forces trying to manipulate the process to suit their own agendas, it gets really hard to believe anything we hear.  How does one separate the truth from the lies, the policy positions from the propaganda, the facts from the noise?  Let me tell you of an excellent resource for cutting through the static and getting some answers from reputable sources. Continue reading…

The Lion and the King

tedjacko1In the last month, the world lost two iconic figures: Michael Jackson and Senator Edward Kennedy.   The King of Pop and the Lion of the Senate, both these beloved figures left behind a message that has at its core, wisdom for those in the healthcare field.  Follow me over the fold to discuss the thread that ties these two stories together. Continue reading…

The Importance of Sleep

sleeping1I probably don’t need to tell people who juggle online studies, work and family that it is important to make sure you carve out enough time for sleep.  We all know how spacey and “out of it” we feel when we miss sleep.  Sleep deprivation can be very dangerous.  Yet, recently, UCLA professor and sleep expert, Jerome Siegel questioned whether sleep had any correlation to physiological and neural functions.  In short, do we really need to sleep? Continue reading…

Another Reason to Love Online Education

trafficAllen School’s brick and mortar campuses are in the greater New York Metro area.  So many of us in this community are well aware of the logistics of getting around in one of the world’s most densely  populated areas.  But if you live in any major city, you know what it is like to drive or take transit during peak hours.  It ain’t pretty! Continue reading…