Nieeraj Wadhwani

The Allen School. .. one of the best decisions I ever made. From day one, I had an amazing experience at this school. The admission process itself was a cake walk. The staff is very professional, they know their job, and they do it well. The teachers are always willing to assist. They prepare you well for your jobs, and help you reach those dream goals you once thought were unachievable. Nick was hired off internship at New York Hand Surgery – Dr. Patel. He loved his experience there, and the site loved him!! After a few months of being employed there, he got a job as a Medical Assistant at Weill-Cornell.

Dorothy Dube

My name is Dorothy Dube. I graduated on the 6™ of February 2016 as a Medical Assistant. I am truly proud lo have been a student of the Allen School of Health Sciences. It was an awesome experience of perseverance and dedication. I learned so much about the human anatomy and different conditions that affect us as human beings. skills to determine conditions, to help with diagnosis and treatments along with Administrative skills needed for this field. all thanks to the dedicated and informed tutoring of our professors. Thanks to each and every one of them I was able to graduate and follow the career of my choosing. Career Services is a very helpful and supporting deportment. My experience with the staff have been phenomenal. They are always there with helpful advice and encouragement. They should be truly commended for their support to the students and their efforts to place the students after they are graduated. I personally found placement three weeks after graduation. Thanks to the dedication and perseverance of the Career department staff. Thank you Guys. Especially Miss Yelixsa Mattehews- God bless you. I am presently employed by Dr. Shazad Soni’s office as a Medical Assistant and I must say that it has been a God send. I feel totally at home and appreciated. I am still in a learning situation since this field is a constant learning process. I consider myself very fortunate for the opportunity to practice what I was taught of the Allen School and I would recommend this institution to all those who are considering a change or upgrade of career, regardless of age or gender. I also have the privilege of helping one other student that is doing her internship at this office. If I was every asked if I would consider doing this course at Allen School again, I would shout at the top of my voice “YES I WOULD” Thanks Everyone.

Yudelka Espinoza

“I love my internship experience. I get to do everything that I learned at the Allen School. I love the support I get from Dr. Sadacka (internship supervisor). The entire experience has been amazing. I have become a better person in life. I am not even getting paid for my internship, and I love to wake up in the morning to go to my site in my scrubs. I am having fun doing it all at the same time – receptionist, medical assisting, inventory, computers, EHR, and assist the doctor with patients. I am a new person because of the Allen School staff. I really appreciate everybody. The staff is so nice, and the support is outstanding. I really recommend the Allen School if you are ready for a new future. The quote that started all of this was, “I wish, I want, I will start my future today.” Yudelka got hired at her internship site before she even graduated! Sadacka Medical Office Medical Assistant

Robin Kessinger

Robin was selected as one of our first module l ambassadors and had wonderful words of encouragement for our students: “Show those who have doubted you that you can do this, do not quit, and keep going!” Those words definitely resonate with the great news of her new job! Hi Ms. Lane!!!! The day after I spoke with you I decided to do what I preached! Let God handle it!! So I let go and let God! Monday I received a call from ADVENTMED wondering if I would be interested in taking their pre-employment test for a position with them! I thought well why not give it a whirl! I was as calm as could be because I knew it was up to God at this point! I about fell off my chair when I passed! The next morning the company called me again and said I did great and then what they asked brought me to my knees. While I was in class, the first coding instructor was explaining all the possible jobs coders could have and explained a few she had. When she mentioned HEDIS and explained what it was, I wrote it down and thought that is what I really would like to do!” Well, guess what I am going to be doing starting Feb 22 (if all my other paper work is ok!) HEDIS and making more an hour than I did as a nurse!!!!! I signed a lot of papers so I guess that means hopefully I got the job! They said they will supply me with a laptop, I would need to work 40 hours a week and would get paid an hourly rate or a per unit rate, whichever is more. The project will be until June but if I do well I could have a full time job with benefits!!!! They will pay to train me! I am sooooooo happy and scared at the same time! I will definitely let you know if it is a for sure deal!! Thanks for all you do!!!  

Ana D’Urso

One of the things that struck me about Allen School of Health Sciences was how resourceful, caring, and well-respected staff members and professors were.  Now, a little over 5 weeks later, I am a module 2 student and I can say with certainty to Module 1 students: You have an amazing arsenal of professors at your disposal who really want you to succeed. They will work with you every step of the way to prevent you from slipping- HOWEVER, you also have to put in your weight; that means coming to class on time every day, doing all of your assignments on time, and studying for all of your tests and quizzes. It may sound daunting, but it’s absolutely doable. No matter your walk of life, whether you are fresh out of high school, a returning student, have kids, or work- you have the tools here at Allen and the support system to do well. Remember  you are not alone, but remember also to surround yourself with the right groups of fellow students who are going to motivate you and keep you on your toes- this made a tremendous difference in my performance last module and it’s something I will keep in mind for the rest of my time here at Allen School.

Mary Paiva

Mary Paiva Offers Her Testimonial

I chose the Allen School because I was looking to start a new career in my busy life and had two friends that are now graduates of the program. I did my research on schools and the field to discover the vast growth and demands of this industry and decided to begin my educational journey with the Allen School.

Carmen Nazario

My experience as a student at the Allen School was great. I enjoyed my time in the Allen School and how my teachers took time to make sure I understood each class and school work. The Allen School staff helped me every step I took and explained everything from the date I started to the day I finished. Career Services helped me with my resume and made sure it was updated. They show you how to do a good job in an interview and how to dress profes­sional too. They made sure everything was going good in my internship site. I am excited to start my new job. I know it will be a great experience and will help me gain the experience that I need to grow as a medical assistant. Thanks Allen School! I appreciate the opportunity you gave me for a brighter future. Carmen Nazario Medical Assistant-Tooraj Zahedi, MD Endocrinologist Office

Jennifer Houck

In today’s grim economy I am one of the unfortunate people that lost their job after 14+ years of employment at the same eye doctor. I have been in numerous interviews but can not obtain the same salary for the job I was doing. At this point in my journey I have been blessed with having the opportunity to make the Allen School my job. All I can tell my fellow classmates, if you are working full time, raising a family, and attending school. .. accept that there is no other time for other activities 🙂 . Good thing it’s only 9 months to the start of something great!!! Definitely do your assignments in small intervals spending 30 mins on it each time, so your brain doesn’t hit overload. I tend to do homework, stop, do a load of laundry, maybe start dinner, and then go back. I wish everyone good luck, and the ability to dance in the rain!!!!!!

Eleonor Crosby

Before I enrolled at Allen School of Health Sciences. I was working as a HHA and then I realized that I have more talent to offer for people. I always had a passion towards elderly or sick people. Financially it was hard at the time but it didn’t stop me from calling the school. I spoke with an enrollment advisor and he gave me more hope to pursue my career. He saw passion in me. I always wanted to become an RN one day, hopefully. Since the day 1 of my studies here at Allen School I grew a bond towards my instructors and staff-they are really good people. My teachers from module one all the way to module five have been awesome. I learned a lot from them and they open their hearts in any questions you may ask. Other thing I love about Allen School is we always participate or support health groups such as: Breast Cancer Awareness which I was part of. It, Diabetes, LLS and many more. I also love Angel. I look up to her like my mentor! She always gives me a good advice. I am also thankful to my teachers for recognizing me as a best student for so many times. and that keeps me going. Lastly, I am glad I enrolled at Allen school! I love all my teachers, they’re all my favorites and I really had an awesome time and experience here. I met new people here and some of them became my close friends. I am grateful I chose Allen School of Health Sciences to further my education.

Spencer Julius

Coming to this school is of the best things that has happened to me, right up there with getting married and reading Harry Potter for the first time. I’ve loved working with my classmates and being able to work with incredible instructors and staff here. I learned so much the first week with Dr. Hunt that I’m still using now, I’m even remembering things Dr. Dan taught in first module in English as I write this. I’m so grateful to have been a part of this school and  all the amazing things we have done. Is it easy? No. Is it worth every little thing? A Thousand Times, Yes.