Niki Castor

When I first came to the Allen School I was working at a normal job that wasn’t going anywhere and needed to do something more. I met with Alicia and instantly knew this is where I needed to be. Starting here in January was very exciting and I quickly realized how much the teachers cared for their students. We were not just a school but a family. As the mods came and went we grew closer and closer. The classrooms were filled with a lot of exciting materials but most of all laughter. Leaving the school for the internship was exciting. We weren’t nervous because we knew that we and learned so much that it was just now time to apply it. Thank you: Dr. Jackson, Dr. Hunt, Dr. Dan, Dr. Cao and Mrs. Vivian for being so amazing. And as always a big thank you to Alicia to getting us here.

Lauren Fernandez

What is there to say that hasn’t already been said? There is so much knowledge and experience to be shared from each and every instructor here at The Allen School and I wish I had more time to absorb it all, but unfortunately I didn’t. Every instructor teaches class differently and that diversity is what helped me learn. If I had a question from another class I could ask any one of them to help and they would’ve been more than happy to answer my questions. I would like to say something special about Alicia. Alicia has been nothing but completely and whole heartedly supportive of each and every one of us. Being able to say I’m in her first ever class here at The Allen School is something I take pride in. I really enjoy having her right by the front door to get her “good morning!” when I walk in. If I have any issues or concerns I always go to her first. She’s always smiling and you can hear her contagious laugh all the way down the hall. Without Alicia I don’t know where I’d be right now. Everyone here at The Allen School has taught me many things that I will implement when I become a part of the health care field. Anytime someone asks where I learned to become such an amazing medical assistant I’ll say with my head held high, in the most proud voice I can, “I went to The Allen School of Health Sciences!”

Allison Toney

Looking back on everything I have to laugh and smile at how God got me to Allen School.  But first let me tell you my story. Growing up as a little girl I had aspirations to become a doctor, so that was my plan to attend medical school after finishing high school. I was raised by a single father who said I could do anything if I worked hard enough, because hard work pays off for those who want things out of life. But life had other plans and I had to postpone my dreams for the time being. My father got sick suddenly and my life got turned upside down, so I decided to take care of him for 4 years. While doing so it made me more intent on becoming a doctor. Taking care of him never made me want to change my dreams, until he died suddenly. After that I became lost and nothing else mattered to me. Fast forward to the summer of 2014 and I receive a call from an adviser from The Allen School of Health and Sciences. She was very kind and helpful and set up an interview on a Saturday, because I was unable to go during the week. So when Saturday came I went to the school to find out no one was there. It was very upsetting and to make things worse there was a storm happening at the same time. To be honest I lost interest in the school after that fateful day, but it would not be the last time I would hear about Allen School because two months later I would receive a phone call from another adviser by the name of Alicia. If you ask me to describe Alicia I would say she is perky, persistent and driven by her students. I told her about the situation and she insisted I give the school another chance so I did. So she took me through the process and in many ways was my guiding light in choosing Allen School. I am going to be honest I was scared to go back to school on many levels, but Alicia reassured me that it would be worth it after everything was said and done. If it hadn’t been for Alicia contacting me and believing I could do this, I don’t think I would be in Mod 5 right now and almost on my way to externship. Lastly I want to thank all the teachers for taking the time to help and guide me for 9 months. Dr. Hunt’s approach to teaching class and doing scenarios was the most terrifying but most thrilling experience ever. Dr. Jackson’s cool approach to teaching always left room for us to laugh and ask questions in his class, even when he was telling his really bad dad jokes and being just one awesome teacher.  Dr. Cao has to be one of the best people I know including Dr. Jackson to allow his students to make fun of him in class and still have a good laugh with his students. He is a very quiet person when he teaches so it made listening in his classes even more interesting. Dr. Dan may have one of the best personalities of all the teachers at Allen. He likes to incorporate real life stories when teaching and it made his class so much fun, because it never got dull or boring with Dr. Dan. Last but not least Mrs. Vivian, she taught the classes we didn’t really like. But she always had a smile on her face every morning and afternoon for us and that kept me going for the five weeks I had to take boring Keyboarding . But with every single teacher going out of their way to make sure I knew the material and actually understood it for when I leave for externship, I will forever be grateful and appreciative for having the opportunity to be accepted into your school and attend it.

Yolanda D Mozdzen

My name is Yolanda D Mozdzen Humanitarian Painter and Medical Assistant Student at The Allen School of Health Sciences. I have been donating my art work to various charities throughout the US. When I started to attend the Allen School of Health Sciences I saw how dedicated you all are in helping various charitable causes as well. I started donated my paintings and original artwork because I believe in helping others whole-heartedly. I was able to step out of my comfort zone to paint for each charity that I submitted my art work for with the Allen School and allowed me to paint with a medical mindset as well as team work with my peers. For myself to help and inspire others is very important to me. If I can help another person in anyway I can from a student to as patient, a mentor or a stranger on the street I will within my capabilities. It is my honor to help the charities with the Allen School of Health Sciences to help others in a special way. Thank you, Yolanda D Mozdzen Humanitarian Painter Medical Assistant Student

Rebecca Spidell

We are all destined to make choices and those choices do control our future. I am most fortunate and grateful that Allen School is filled with so many motivated people who make positive choices, which ultimately lead to so many meaningful and productive lives of the students they mentor. I have learned a great deal this year at Allen from a remarkable group of individuals whose collective actions deserve our thanks and admiration and I value the effort given by all. Through their positive motivation, the students are encouraged to grasp the opportunities available to them whole heartedly sometimes leaving their comfort zone to go above and beyond. Making a mistake is just finding another way that something doesn’t work. We are learning with the best and the solid ground of knowledge is in sight all the time. Once you are motivated, your success will take on a life of it’s own. Learning is valuable, what you understand, you don’t have to fear. The awesome teachers at Allen School are more than happy to help you thoroughly understand anything you may have a problem with. Remember time is a gift, use it with wisdom and much thought, it is fragile and you only get one chance at getting it right for you. Choosing Allen School has opened many doors for me and my future is great. Thanks to all the wonderful teachers and staff that are really changing the world by producing knowledgeable and productive individuals. Rebecca Spidell

Guerlen Castro

When I was a child, I always wanted to be in a law field. As I grew older I found out I had so many health issues that it was devastating for me. I began to struggle to get better and have accomplished my goal to get better. Now I’m 23 with my certificate that titles me as a Medical Assistant. I couldn’t be happier. Many people ask me why Medical Assistant if you have a Criminal Justice experience, Teacher Assistant Experience? Well the fact that I choose this is career is to help people out no matter if it’s not much.  Any little bit counts but I know some day I will save a persons life. My arrival at the Allen School was introduced by a family friend. I remember I just came to ask about the school with out thinking to enroll that day. It was a smart choice I made. It was a step further to a better education. My 9 month journey began and within those 9 months I had my ups and downs. I had lost two of my love ones, had to deal with hospitalizations, my learning disability that I have, (dyslexia). But as I had hard moments, I had great ones too. I meet people in my module and professors I learn to care so much. I created a bond with my classmates that are unique and perfect and I’m thankful for that. Education was the best. I learned so much in a little bit of time. It was amazing and it still is. I got to have my hands on experience and opportunity to have a site to learn more and keep expanding my knowledge. As my journey ended at the Allen School I open another chapter in my life as a Medical professional at Wyckoff Hospital.  Thanks to the Allen School I can say I did it. They helped me they pushed me to do what I had to do. For me this is not a job this is my career and I love what I do.  People say “Medical Assistant Is not a profession”. That’s a lie! It is a profession never thinks otherwise. Be the best you can be and enjoy it.

Sherry Manuel

Allen School of Medical Sciences- Medical Billing & Coding Program in my opinion was the best school I could have enrolled into.  The classes are organized and very informative, and our professor are patient professional, and they really care how we are doing in our classes.  The day I enrolled I got phone calls from staff members welcoming me to the school.  They gave me phone numbers and their e-mails in case I ever needed anything. The training we got before the classes started helped us be ready for the online classes the first day of school.  The school’s tech department is fantastic, the people there are great with helping with anything we don’t know how to do on our computers, and help us keep them repaired.  I would have never got a assignment submitted for a grade if they had not been so patient and caring, because I was literally computer challenged, I not only made it through the first two classes but I made good grades. I plan to recommend the Allen School to everyone I know that wants to change their lives for the better.  I now have all the confidence that I will make it through the program, and be successful at my new career thanks to Allen School.

Jessica Welshiemer

This school is absolutely amazing! I can’t thank my instructors enough for taking the time to really explain things in detail. I am a single mother of two and when I first signed up for The Allen School I never thought for one second that I couldn’t balance my home life with school. Then it happened the first month of school I believe it was the second week I was diagnosed with pseudo tumor cerebri  basically it was a fancy name for increased pressure on the brain. I missed a few days of school and knew I had to return. The day I returned to school I let my instructors know what had happened. Some days I was really disoriented and others I was fine. But there was a complete week the second month of school where I had a very hard time, my instructors kept a very close eye on me they were concerned for my health. And when I thought I would have to give up they showed me that they had faith in me and to have faith in myself they had faith in me when no one else did and for that I am a 2014 graduate with a 4.0 GPA! The point of my story is this; These instructors here are a family the staff here is amazing! You will find friends and with those friends a whole other family. I’d like to personally thank Dr. Hunt, Mrs. Sesser, Mrs. Vivian, Dr. Cao and most of all Dr. Jackson who took teaching to a whole other level! I just want to say thank you for having faith in me and for the time you gave to us. For giving us the knowledge to start a career a stepping stone for those who will become great people thank you so much!

Felice Kutner

First of all I would like to thank you for all of the help that you have given me over the past 9 months. If I didn’t have your help I am not sure that I would have been as successful as I am. I have graduated with six modules with honor roll. The entire Allen School experience has been wonderful. I very much appreciate the efforts the whole Allen school team has given to me. Personally, I have friendships now that I know will last a lifetime. Not only with students but with teachers as well. Professor JJ was my last teacher in medical law and ethics and I don’t know if I can describe in words the tremendous gifts she has given me. She helped me with any career development I had questions with. I believe strongly, that whatever work you put into a program you surely reap the benefits. Every single Sunday for 9 months I sat and did my homework for the week for at least 8 hours, sometimes even 10. That helped me concentrate during the week on extra assignments we had. That was my key to success. I have always been a strong student and graduated Touro college of Manhattan with an honor of Magna Cum Laude. That was a result of all the countless hours I put into the program. Allen school was an amazing experience overall. I would recommend to anyone thinking of joining the Allen school family to put every ounce of energy you have into it. And, you will see the benefits. I am absolutely thrilled with the program. The administration was always helpful and I would like to mention Amanda who worked at the Allen school help desk. She solved any issue that I had and fixed it with ease and a smile. Thank you to all the people who are dedicating their time to help the students succeed. You are an amazing team with hearts so big. Thank you again for all that you have done for me. Without your help I wouldn’t be where I am today.

Heerawattie Badrudeen

Thank you for the congrats and truth be told we wouldn’t have made it if Allen School staff hadn’t provided the support we needed. I am quite happy with being associated with Allen School and the wonderful instructors and students I have met online. Being a student at Allen School has impacted my life both professionally and personally. First, I’d like to say that in regards to work I have become more detailed oriented in my communications (verbally and written). Some of the information I have learned has helped me to understand what I am doing at my job even though it is unrelated to healthcare. I work at Third Party Freight Payment/Computer Software Company. We develop computer software (CalcRate, CalcPak, etc) for Logistics, and we process, audit and pay bills as a third party payer. I coordinate EDI set ups and what I have learned in an informal/self-research basis at my job, instructors at Allen School have provided clarifying information on EDI, thus helping me to be able to explain what EDI is to new clients. Also, since I am also involved in the billing department in the capacity of an auditor, customer service rep and administrative assistant, I am more comfortable to be able to provide better feedback to those I work with, and our customer. I have become better at my job. Another thing, I used to be late for work, but in my CDV class I made a commitment to myself to change that habit to a more positive one, and have been earlier at work minus a day or two. I have to thank Allen School and Ms Stacy Sandberg for this! On a personal level, my children saw my dedication and commitment and were very impressed by it. The staff at Allen School made it easy to get enrolled, getting my books on time, answering questions, help-desk and student coordinators along with instructors made it easy for me to stick with the program. I have made 100% attendance and maintained a GPA of 4.0 throughout all my classes. Also, I have seen cooperation and dedication coming from my children – they helped me in cooking dinner, cleaning the house, turning on my computer so I’d be able to log onto class as soon as I came home. So on a personal level – Allen School has shown me that my family can come together and help each other, supporting and appreciating each other. Thank you guys for this!!! This was my first online experience and I have to say I didn’t know what to expect, however I have found it to be and awesome experience. I bonded and made friends with lots of very dedicated and strong women, each of us having our own little struggles, but being happy to reach up in the “classroom” in the evening. Truth be told, i was so looking forward to finish the program but when it was over, I still ended up going into blackboard and just reading the discussions we had, I miss everyone. My instructors were just awesome and they made learning online so easy that I have been “selling” online schooling to anyone who would listen to me! The ladies and I have exchanged phone numbers, email addresses, Facebook IDs, in order to keep in touch. For new students- I would like to say be prepared to learn, be prepared for your new role as a professional because that is what Allen School really help you with. New students, if you want to be at the top of your game then you have to stay true to this commitment that you are making, for it is to yourself that you are making it with. Added benefit is that those around change their lives as they watch you blossom and grow from your learning experiences. My 20 years old has committed to start a Medical Billing and Coding program with Allen School in the fall, my 11 year old son said he would love to do online classes as he gets older and my eldest daughter who is presently completing a bachelors both in Early Childhood and Psychology has also thoughts of doing a program with Allen School. Thanks for an awesome experience Allen School!!!