How do you like your eggs? This is a question that for years, I always answered either, “sunny side up” or “over easy” and typically followed by, “with bacon, well done and coffee, black.” But a few years ago, after landing a stable virtual office job, I moved to the exurbs and having lots of outdoor space and a young son, I decided to raise some chickens for their eggs. I did this so we would know more about the origins of the foods I was eating and feeding to my family. Let me tell you, I learned a lot of things I just didn’t know before. For example, did you know that most fertile chickens lay one egg per day? Neither did I! I started off with 12 birds and was collecting a dozen fresh eggs every day! As a family of three, we couldn’t eat our way out of the problem of having too many eggs. (We downsized to only 4 birds, but that’s another story). Follow me over the fold for more egg-citing information including information you can actually use regarding misconceptions about the eggs most of you probably buy in the supermarket.
Which is better for your health? Brown or white eggs?
Why are eggs from free range chickens different?
Are organic eggs any healthier than regular eggs?
For answers to these questions and more, check out
this article from Yahoo! Green entitled, “Four Myths About Eggs”.
If you have any other questions about chickens and eggs, ask me in the comments. I really know too much more about this than I ever expected I would.
As I read it ova, I realized that this is an eggs-emplary article that cracked me up!
Thanks for your article. It was egg-actly the light hearted information that I found humorous and insightful. All growing up, there was a commercial on television that proclaimed “Brown eggs are local eggs, and local eggs are fresh”. Who would have known that it was due to the color of the earlobes that actually determined the color!
This article, four myths about eggs, http://green.yahoo.com/blog/the_conscious_consumer/132/four-myths-about-eggs.html was very informative. I now know the difference’s of eggs. Such as; there is no difference between the brown egg and the white. Also, one egg can be healthier then the other then the other and that are determined by the diet of the chicken.
I’m a big city girl so purchasing food from a grocery store is my way of life. This is good food for thought especially since I have kids. Information is power and who knows maybe one day it will help them.
Thank you Anthony.
Here are my findings on the egg….. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egg_(food)
A variety of eggs as sold in Haikou, Hainan, China
Bird eggs are a common food and one of the most versatile ingredients used in cooking. They are important in many branches of the modern food industry.[3] The most commonly used bird eggs are those from the chicken. Duck and goose eggs, and smaller eggs such as quail eggs are occasionally used as a gourmet ingredient, as are the largest bird eggs, from ostriches. Gull eggs are considered a delicacy in England,[4] as well as in some Scandinavian countries, particularly in Norway. In some African countries, guineafowl eggs are commonly seen in marketplaces, especially in the spring of each year.[5] Pheasant eggs and emu eggs are perfectly edible but less widely available.[4] Sometimes they are obtainable from farmers, poulterers, or luxury grocery stores. Most wild birds’ eggs are protected by laws in many countries, which prohibit collecting or selling them, or permit these only during specific periods of the year.[4]
Quail eggs are considered a delicacy in many countries. They are used raw or cooked as tamago in sushi. In Colombia, quail eggs are considered less exotic than in other countries, and a single hard-boiled quail egg is a common topping on hot dogs and hamburgers, often fixed into place with a toothpick.
I read this article in yahoo previously and basically agree with everything in the article. An egg is an egg, so to make a distinction between a brown egg and a white egg does not yield any health benefits. There is a difference in the type of chicken that laid the egg, but what the chicken is fed would be more important in determining which one is healthier. I would say that my physician does recommend eggs high in omega 3 fats like Eggland’s Best. Omega 3 is good for the brain and helps with certain diseases. So if there is a change to be made….go for eggs with omega 3.