Guest Blogger – Zippi Dvash
Asst. VP of Public Affairs
Long Island College Hospital
Our blood supply needs constant replenishment, since the need for blood never takes a vacation. Statistics say that nine out of ten people will need blood some time in their lives and that one out of every ten hospital patients requires a transfusion.
Long Island College Hospital, in conjunction with the Brooklyn /Staten Island Blood Center will hold a blood drive on Monday, December 7th, 2009. More information about times and locations after the jump.
TIME: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
PLACE: Avram Conference Center, Rooms C & D
Long Island College Hospital
339 Hicks St.
To donate blood, you must be between the ages of 17-75, weigh at least 110 pounds and have not donated blood within the last 56 days. Please bring a valid picture ID and know your social security number. Refreshments will be served. For more information, please call Natasha Burke in the Community Affairs Department at (718)780-2860.
HI everyone. I try to give blood as often as I can. I personally feel that you don’t realize how many lives you can touch when you do this. This is something that I think everyone should do. If we all gave more often we would have a much better blood supply.
About 40 years ago, my brother was serving a church mission in the greater LA area. His mission was being supported by my parents, so, trying to make a little extra cash, he went to donate blood.. It was discovered that he had special properties in his blood, that allowed the emergency rooms to use his blood as a neutrilizer. Through this experience he was specificly responsible for saving a 3 year olds life.
I am not so lucky. Although I have the blood that all banks want, O-, I am unable to donate because my viens are to thin.
It hurts me hard that I cannot donate so I pray often that those who can will do so. One never knows when their time might come for the need of blood to save their life. Please, donate often and when you do, think of those who for one reason or another can’t.