Bobbie Berube
Medical Insurance Billing and Coding
Graduate - September 2014
Resides in Florida
I would like to take this time and to thank you all for a wonderful experience that I have had for the past 9 months. I have grown so much in these past months to be a better person. I am taking with me the skills and experience that will make my life a better one. When I started , I was at the end of my rope as far as a job and career was concerned, I really felt like a broken and lost woman. I have had a lot of trouble all my life with things that have happened to my as I grew up. I turned to God and prayed for the doors to open for me to move forward in life. When the Allen School called me there on the end of the line was a wonderful lady named Michelle Marshal and I know God heard my prayers because it turned out that Michelle was a Christian lady and we had a great time talking. I told her what I had prayed and she confirmed for me that it was the answers to my prayers. Michelle helped me make the right choice for being a student to a wonderful school so, I said thanked my Lord for putting her in my life.
The journey has been a long one and yes there have been ups and downs but, more ups than anything. I have made so many great friends in my classmates even though we have never met, we all was there for each other. We helped one another when we could not figure out where that elusive code was hiding, or how to work in Med Track, if one of us was sick we would call or email each other. We have built a strong sisterhood and we will be meeting for the first time next year for graduation, which I have never walked across the stage to receive a diploma before as I quit high school in the 11th grade ,but I did get my GED. I am so excited to meet them ,but most of all to meet my Professors. Jena, you all have to most warm and caring instructors and they really know their stuff. They did what was needed for us to learn our skills to be a Medical biller and coder. I liked all of them but, a few of them I will really miss for example , Professor Gulliford who was the best, he would make sure that if we did not understand something he would stop everything till we got it and his cyber pizza parties were great, along with his music at break time, he also has an amazing wife Terrie who we have also grown to love. Then there’s Vince Ochotorena, Mr O as we called him was very by the book but , he had a great sense of humor. Professor Sharon Anton, with her practice, practice, practice , which finally sunk in. Janet Sesser , she never seemed to have a bad day and was always patient with us when we did have a bad day. Louise Hill, was also awesome and stuck it out with us till we got it right. Cassandra Wood , Nurse Cass as we all called her was the greatest, when I had to go into the hospital and came back home, she was always understanding if I needed to leave because of pain.
And now that just leaves one more person who was great and that is Ashpreet Singh with her potato chips was awesome in teaching us to how to build a great resume and cover story. These are the ones that left a lasting memory that, I will always cherish and the ones that I will always remember as being a part of my new career. There are those that are behind the scene that I have not mentioned that make this well oiled machine called The Allen School , work productively and that is you Jena and the rest of the wonderful staff and I would like to thank you all.
Sincerely Yours Bobbie Berube Graduate of The Allen School of Science