Lauren Fernandez
Medical Assistant
Graduate - September 2015
Resides in Arizona
What is there to say that hasn’t already been said? There is so much knowledge and experience to be shared from each and every instructor here at The Allen School and I wish I had more time to absorb it all, but unfortunately I didn’t. Every instructor teaches class differently and that diversity is what helped me learn. If I had a question from another class I could ask any one of them to help and they would’ve been more than happy to answer my questions.
I would like to say something special about Alicia. Alicia has been nothing but completely and whole heartedly supportive of each and every one of us. Being able to say I’m in her first ever class here at The Allen School is something I take pride in. I really enjoy having her right by the front door to get her “good morning!” when I walk in. If I have any issues or concerns I always go to her first. She’s always smiling and you can hear her contagious laugh all the way down the hall. Without Alicia I don’t know where I’d be right now.
Everyone here at The Allen School has taught me many things that I will implement when I become a part of the health care field. Anytime someone asks where I learned to become such an amazing medical assistant I’ll say with my head held high, in the most proud voice I can, “I went to The Allen School of Health Sciences!”